Wonderland Paula Dodo - Kuroshitsuji Ciel in Wonderland OVA


Dodo Paula from the Ciel in Wonderland Kuroshitsuju (Black Butler) OVA.

Made for a Wonderland Black Butler group at Otakon 2011

I would like to have more photos of this at some point. It was a fun costume to make under a fairly tight deadline.

For this costume I made the skirt from an existing pattern I had laying around. I patterned the apron and back ties myself. I bought yellow tights and hand painted the dots at the desired size. I have never made a corset before and didn't have time to learn so I used a fashion corset and modified it to what I needed. Feather boobs! I also patterned and made the swim cap complete with a hole at the top for my ponytail to come out. 

There are things I would like to redo on this costume but the chances of that are pretty small since I have so many new cosplays I want to work on! It was a fun quick costume to make for a fun group of people I hadn't had a chance to cosplay with before.

I was able to get some really fun pictures of this costume in a 'story' setting. The idea is that Paula has to replace a drink she is supposed to bring to Door Mouse Lizzie and needs to make a new one quickly to fix her mistake. It was a cute story shoot with Ng-Master Photography.


Otakon 2011, Private shoot


Friend Hall shots, Ng Master Photography


Wonderland Sebastian & Grell


Queen Serenity - Sailor Moon Crystal